Before Reading
- Cross-check
Predict and Confirm
Skip, Read On, and Go Back
Connect Background Knowledge
to the Information in the Text
Think about Explicit and
Implicit Information
Stop and Review
After Reading
Why use strategies?
Good readers have developed good
habits when they read. They call these habits strategies.
Strategies help you learn HOW to understand. If you know HOW to
understand, then you are more likely TO understand.
Moreover strategies help you realize
HOW you are thinking so that you can think more deeply and more consciously.
There are seven reading strategies:
- Make connections.
Text to self (similar events in your life)
Text to text (books, movies, T.V., etc.)
Text to life (real world events)
yourself to the text! Go passed the OBVIOUS!
- Ask Questions.
What do you get?
What other questions do you have?
What do you wonder about as you
Why ask questions?
questions helps keep you focused on the text.
If you run into problems, things you just
don’t understand, then you can check yourself with a question.
- Determine
Why is important?
Determine importance is important
because you have to decide what is important, you don’t have to remember
everything. You can prioritize the information you need in order to understand.
- Think about what a teacher might
ask on a test.
- Think about what the author hints
might be important later on.
- Infer and
Good readers are like detectives.
They use clues to determine what is
happening in a story. This is called INFERENCE!
- Visualize.
It is important visualize. If you
don’t picture the events of the story, you will get bored.
- Synthesize
What is the meaning of what you are
- Use Fix up
Reread Underline
Use a dictionary Read aloud
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